MCCM concept

In: Shear variable decomposition

This method solves both problems found with the use of longest chord and longest projection methods. A circle of minimum diameter is circumscribed around the shear stress path :

The point combination algorithm proposed by Papadopoulos [Pap98] was used in PragTic originally. This solution can be very lengthy for longer load histories. Thus the incremental algorithm described by Bernasconi [Ber02] was implemented to the PragTic. Its results are approximate in contrast to punctual results of point combination algorithm, but the approximation is very close and the algorithm is much faster. The incremental algorithm is hard-coded into the PragTic at present and the user cannot turn back to the precise point combination method.

Further extension of the MCCM problem is the decomposition with the use of a minimum circumscribed ellipse (MCEM).

The algorithm can be run through the commands Tools->Loads->Decompose for a local load history on a plane.


longest projection method (LPM)

longest chord method (LCM)

minimum circumscribed ellipse method (MCEM)

© PragTic, 2007

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